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Hovercraft and landing craft suggestion/request

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Hello. I was wondering if anyone has given thought to doing some of the large hovercraft or landing ships that the Russian navy uses. Most notably of these is the Zurb class pictured here. The largest and most heavily armed LCAC in service.


I have seen that someone modded an American LCAC but not this beast. Might be an interesting project.

Another Russian vessel is the Ropucha II Class landing craft pictured here.


I am going to be getting the software to do some mods and I might tackle these and some other modern naval vessels (I really like the Russian hovercraft frigate) for ArmA II or maybe even ArmA III. If anyone would like to discuss the possibility of lending a hand with these, please PM me.

Thanks all.


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Hi, I am am an Arma modder and I specialise in vehicles. Thanks for the suggestion, I'll get this crystal clear! ~K93 :D

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