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Suggestion: Give the user the ability to change the text colour

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Recently with the latest patch update I have been finding it more difficult to switch channels in game and identify them correctly, before due to the colour I could tell in the corner of my eye what channel I was on, now I have to try and figure out what my squad mates are saying.

As you can imagine I am playing mostly on Desert maps where the pastel coloured writing is incredibly difficult to see (especially early morning where the in-game sun shines right on the writing) due to the mods and game modes I play I hardly ever sit around so changing channels, admining the server, commanding people and in general trying to read what people have put has become very difficult in the midst of a fire fight.

If I was playing DayZ all the time I could understand the need to not have obtrusive writing as its all about the experience, but for me leading 50 people around a battlefield I need communications to be clear and concise.

I am also man enough to admit that I talked on global for about 10 minutes about our tactics before someone on the opposite team was kind enough to say shut up :j:

Im not asking for the writing to be reverted as I know DayZ is now your main income, what I am asking for is the ability for the user to change the colour of the writing themselves easily either mission based or from the options control panel.

Otherwise for me im going to have to revert to teamspeak which I really do not want to do as I enjoy using your ingame von, for its PvP aspects it really does bring in a massive difference as I can hear enemies talking nearby and its better for communications between grunts, squads and commanders (respectively direct, group and command), and it removes the need for a third party client which would just increase the difficulty of players joining the server.

Best Regards


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It'd be nice to be able to disable the text all together...If there isnt already way. been away for too long =P

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If you have 50 people playing you shouldn't be using text for anything, you should be using TeamSpeak and ACRE. :)

That said, more customization is never a bad thing. heh

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The main issues about what you've both posted is

1/. admins need to be able to communicate with players, on a public server they are required to at least be able to read, sometimes VON breaks and so we must use messaging to tell players what to do, and its not necessarily because they are bad its because we need to train them to do something.

2/. Teamspeak and ACRE are great don't get me wrong, but on a public server where we heavily rely on ingame chat they just aren't an option, don't get me wrong we've got different servers for Arma so we cover different things but some servers just aren't there to be our "own" we have our "pulling servers" whereby we get new players to enjoy the game for what it is with easy access.

It would be simple if everyone was into Arma 100% and knew exactly what they were doing but they don't, most people on our pub servers either cant be bothered with TS3 or haven't heard of it, others just want to get home after 12 hours and play something they enjoy without downloading 10 mods.

We cater for all therefore we cant limit our options by saying "just ACRE" or "just this mod", "remove chat", these just dont work and frankly remove the players ability to communicate ingame how he chooses (this is for public not private though), so as an overall idea we need to change the chat so as to allow players (like me) to be able to see it by bringing back the bright clear colours.

I wouldn't have thought it impossible to change its just something overlooked which would make playing a very communications orientated game more enjoyable because I don't have to peer with my nose pressed on the screen.

Oh and its not 50 its 100 players :P :)

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The chat colors are washed-out now. Was that the idea?

With a nvidia card, can increase "Digital Vibrance".

The extra saturation does make colors pop more.

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