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Airstrike issue

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Hi, I'm having an issue with the SSM module and the airstrike. I've a script which is supposed to make the airstrike available for 2 strikes and that works but the problem is that the plane doesn't always come to the designated position, sometimes he stays far away on the map.

My mission is on the map CLA CLafghan so maybe it's because of that ?!

Here is the script:

waitUntil {(currentWeapon player)== "Laserdesignator"};
sleep 2;
BIS_SSM_Airstrike_AVAILABLE_WEST = true;
AirstrikesAvailable = 2;
publicVariable "AirstrikesAvailable";

//CONDITIONs are used to check if a support can be called.
BIS_SSM_Airstrike_CONDITION = "AirstrikesAvailable > 0";

//we need to decrement the mortar counter each time it is fired
AirstrikesAvailable = AirstrikesAvailable - 1;
[] call BIS_SSM_fnc_updateMenu;
sleep 60;

//we need to add yet another check to hide the icon
if (AirstrikesAvailable <= 0) then {
call BIS_SSM_fnc_updateMenu;
} else {BIS_SSM_Airstrike_AVAILABLE_WEST = TRUE;
[] call BIS_SSM_fnc_updateMenu;};
[] call BIS_SSM_fnc_updateMenu;
hint "Airstrike available!";

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If it's on CLafghan it's probably crashing into a mountain before getting to you. Throw in an player attachTo plane thing for debugging and see how the flight to your target is.

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Well no, the plan doesn't crash because I can see it on the map making circles far away, its like he goes to the wrong coordinates...

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Is this formatted properly (the first line in decrement the mortar)?


I don't see the rest of it anywhere, not sure if that's contributing to the problem.

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I tried to use the SecOps support airstrike and it works :) But how can I change the plane used for the support ?

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