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Fixed gun sights not working

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I've just noticed that fixed guns with optics (such as the L111A1 minitripod and the minigun on the SUV in the PMC campaign) don't actually work for me. They fire fine, move around fine and will zoom in and out fine, but I can't actually look through the optic that's attached to them. I first noticed it in the PMC campaign, but I thought that maybe it was just there for show and that most people probably play with the crosshair on and don't notice. However, on the L111A1, the sight covers a reasonably portion of the centre of my screen, making it impossible to even 'walk' the bullets to their target. I've got to assume something's wrong.

Is this a bug with the game, is it specifically a bug on my end, is there a separate key to use the sight (I tried RMB and /[NUM]) or is the sight purely intended to be aesthetic and non-functional?

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I think 'v' and RMB click are the default for optics. There is also an optics mode which allows you to change from scope to open sights if available.

You'll have to check the key bindings as I've changed mine and can't remember the default.

Perhaps post a screen shot to show the problem?

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Yeah, I've tried the v key, RMB and the optics mode key (/[NUM]) and none of that has worked. With those keys I can normally see through a sight and switch between sights (irons or Aimpoint, for example).

Here's some screenshots:

Looking straight on

http://img441.imageshack.us/img441/7508/arma2oa2012072407340527.jpg (114 kB)

Clicking and holding RMB

http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/3803/arma2oa2012072407342418.jpg (120 kB)

I didn't take one of me just clicking RMB, since all it does when using the L111A1 is quickly zoom in a little and then zoom out (the same as what happens when you're unarmed).

And here's me looking down, in case this is odd

http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/5853/arma2oa2012072407345212.jpg (123 kB)

I'm running Arma 2 Reinforcements (a shortcut targeting the OA exe and with "-mod=BAF;PMC -nosplash -skipintro" after that, without quotes)

Any ideas about what's wrong would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :)

Edit: I tried to get image thumbnails working, but I just can't seem to do it on this forum. Sorry.

Edited by Mattressi

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I think num pad 0 (ins) is used for those sort of mounted weapons. Will quickly check and post back here.

EDIT: k, shoved a Jackal down in the editor. Num pad 0 (ins) worked for both the commanders and the main gun.

Edited by Mjr.Hassle

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I think num pad 0 (ins) is used for those sort of mounted weapons. Will quickly check and post back here.

EDIT: k, shoved a Jackal down in the editor. Num pad 0 (ins) worked for both the commanders and the main gun.

Thank you so much! I don't know why I didn't try that, but it works! And to think; I played through the entire PMC SUV escort mission without using the sights and with no crosshair, lol.

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Good find.

Strange that RMB and v don't work tho.

Have you tried using the optics mode in a helicopter? See if that uses the same key.

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Good find.

Strange that RMB and v don't work tho.

Have you tried using the optics mode in a helicopter? See if that uses the same key.

Do you mean on a static gun in a helicopter (like a door gun)? If so, I just tried it then and both RMB and NUM 0 bring up the ironsights. In fact, any static gun with ironsights works if I press RMB, but static guns with optics (Aimpoints, ACOGs, etc) only work if I use NUM 0.

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Clicking and holding RMB

Here is your fault. In standard keyboard config optics mode is right click, not right click hold. That's zoom in and hold breath. I would look at the key configs and try to separate those function. They tend to collide in certain situations.

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Here is your fault. In standard keyboard config optics mode is right click, not right click hold. That's zoom in and hold breath. I would look at the key configs and try to separate those function. They tend to collide in certain situations.

Already covered that, one line below:

I didn't take one of me just clicking RMB, since all it does when using the L111A1 is quickly zoom in a little and then zoom out (the same as what happens when you're unarmed).

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The right mouse button sometimes doesn't work, but other keys do when you bind them. "V" is for climbing over stuff I think (but I changed it back to optics, too. To much OFP to change my habits now), so only "0 Numpad" works by default.

(I personally think the default zoom/optics/hold breath RMB is about as bad as the now common interact/sprint/whatever one-button-solution you normally associate with a console port.)

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(I personally think the default zoom/optics/hold breath RMB is about as bad as the now common interact/sprint/whatever one-button-solution you normally associate with a console port.)

Don't forget targeting. It always confuses me when I'm trying to zoom in (or hold my breath) and suddenly I've highlighted a target that I never saw. I tried unbinding targeting from RMB, but it didn't do anything - it still would identify a target with RMB and the key I assigned to targeting wouldn't. Perhaps I got the name of the function wrong?

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