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adding Quests/sidemissions

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I want to add some quest in my multiplayer mission,

this is a part of my player_actions script:

if ((player distance(getMarkerPos "quest1")) <= 8) then


if (ac1 == 0) then


act1 = player addAction ["Talk to old Woman", "Scripts\Quests\quests.sqf", ["Quest1"]];

ac1 = 1;








player removeAction act1;

ac1 = 0;


That works well. But i have some problems in the quests.sqf:

private ["_case"];

_case = ((_this select 3) select 0);

switch (_case) do


CASE "Quest1":


Titletext[format ["%1", "Woman: Hello young Man, do you have time to help me?"], "PLAIN DOWN" , 1];;

act1 = player addaction ["Yes",""];

act2 = player addaction ["No",""];

if act1 then

{ player removeAction act2;}

else {}



It should be, if player choose yes then act1 and act2 should be deleted and another titletext shows the mission task.

And if player chooses no then act1 and act2 should be also deleted and titletext shows "Maybe later".

How can i determine what action the player executed?

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