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Sniper Team Mission

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I've got two issues with this mission.  They may be simple to work around, so please bear with me, I've only had the game 2 weeks.

1) In the beginning, all goes well... until the two goons on my team catch up to me.  They always call out that they see soldiers walking down the first road to the east (I don't mind their spotting help).  However, they always open fire.  What does this do?  It initiates combat too early and often right when I'm in the worst location to snipe them.  Of course, the Ural to the NE is alerted, unloading several more infantry and soon, the BMP arrives.  How do I get these guys to look, but not fire?  Can't they just sit on their rifles and suck their thumbs?!?!?

2) I've tried an alternate method to approach the base. I get in the jeep, order the other 2 guys on board (one as gunner) and weave through the forest. Once I hit open road, I tell the gunner to ENGAGE AT WILL. I do this because once too many times, I've run into the troop truck, or scattered infantry.  They're quick to fire at us and (coincedentally) always kill me first! Anyway, no matter how many times I tell him to ENGAGE AT WILL, I have YET to see him actually fire at them!!  Out of 7 tries, the "50" hasn't unleashed a single shot. What's with this guy? Who's side is he on?

... any help out there?

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I can answer to the first question. Order them to hold fire. As I can recall it's under the first radio-menu item.

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Well realisically a person in a jeep would have to take some time to find his target, aim, and keep a steady aim to kill the enemy but I too have had the same problem in the second to last campaign mission the two gaurds would always shoot me before the machine gunner got a shot off even though my team had seen the enemies a while before the enimies saw me.

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I always avoid that truck full of soldiers. I get in the jeep and race towards the camp. After crossing the first dirt road, I get into the trees and wait for that truck, then kill everyone in it. Then I move on to the base.

You don't really need the jeep once you get within reasonable distance of the base, as it will just give away your position. Remember where it is, though, you'll need it once you've assassinate the officers.

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Actually, you dont need the jeep at all, nor do you need to engage the URAL full of troops. When you start out, the 1st thing to do is order you men to 'hold fire' and 'stealth' or maybe 'aware'. Head SE until you hit the road. If you've timed it right, you should be close to the two sentries on patrol, preferably behind them. The choice now is whether you want to kill them or not. If you dont want to attract attention you can let them keep walking on. After you hit the road, head East until you're on the hill overlooking the entire base. In the middle on the base there should be a BMP with its crew all turned out. Both N and S entrances have one sentry guarding.  There is a shilka in the SE of the base and a T72 in the NE of the base. usually in the middle of the base is an infantry squad. In patrol are two more soldiers and a BMP, which likes to run over the sentry sometimes =). The Spetznaz officer is next to the tent in the north of the base.

The choices now are either to wait for the UAZ to come and off load the 2 other Spetznaz or you can blast away.

If you choose to cause carnage then the first thing you should take out is the BMP crew, preferably the driver, gunner then commander. Make sure your rifle is zeroed properly, becoz if you miss more than once or twive the crew will turn in. After that, pick off any targets of oppurtunity and remember to take off 'Hold fire' for your spotters. Also need to beware of the infantry squad which will try to flush you out.

The more subtle way is simply wait for the UAZ to arrive and when the 3 Spetznaz are talking, take them out. When every1 else in the base is prone, make good your escape.

Retreat is a simple matter of heading back up to the jeep. Make sure you're always in the forest or close to foilage. If you can, minimize the distance which you need to be out in the open.

I hope this rather long winded answer was of some help. =)

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