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Having some trouble getting custom voices to play out in-game

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So, following the steps found...

here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?97542-How-to-insert-custom-sounds-(dialogues)-in-Arma-2-Voice-acting-request

here: http://ofp.toadlife.net/downloads/tutorials/tutorial_sound/tutorial_sound.html#Step 11

and here: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Description.ext

I've created a single short bit of dialogue, both as an initial test on mission start that the custom dialogue is playing correctly and to add a bit more of a challenge to myself. The dialogue itself is one-sided right now - the player character is simply going to be reciting the team's objective as their heli flies towards their LZ. Recording is done, conversion to .ogg and .lip is done and they're sitting in their own sound folder. I've also added the following to the description.ext:

class CfgSounds


sounds[] = {};

class TMCInvasionCanadian1


name = "Mackenzie_Intro";

sound[] = {"TMCInvasionCanadian1.ogg", db-80, 1.0};

titles[] = {};



and in game, in the player's init box, I've got:

playsound "TMCInvasionCanadian1"; this say ["TMCInvasionCanadian1", 100]

But to no effect. I'm not getting any error messages, so the game does know that the file is there. It's just not playing it at all. I'm quite... befuddled?

Any dialogue/voiceover experts mind point out whatever it is that I'm missing?

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It's not bc the db level is set so low, is it? Maybe try putting the playsound and say commands in a trigger instead of player init? Just a few quick suggestions off the top of my head...

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Well 80db is about the volume of the average person yelling, which is what I'm going for. I did initially try to run it through a trigger after the unit's init line showed no result, but to no effect.

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It says "db-80". You can have either minus or plus and right now you have a minus.

I usually have db-10 for voices.

I think it goes after the % that user has in his audio options.

If it still doesn't work you might have to wait a while for the mission to load, some functions won't really run before the player has loaded.

Try putting a trigger with activation none, condition: time > 1, and on activation what you have up there. You have to change "this" to player or the vehicle name

Edited by cuel

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Plus/Minus seems to have no effect. Heli flew the whole opening sequence without playing the voice file, so it's definitely not just slow to load...

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You also need to reload the description.ext everytime you change something in it. I know for certain that + or - has effect.

Simply saving the mission is usually enough.

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Yea, that was one of the things mentioned by all the guides I referanced. I've even fully exited the game and restarted it after making changes, but there's just nothing happening :confused_o:

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You said they're sitting in their own sound folder but the cfgSounds suggests that the file is located in the mission root folder?

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Yea, I've since tried changing that to say sound/TMCInvasionCanadian1.ogg but there's no new results.

EDIT: And now that I've added the filepath it's saying that it can't find the file >.<

EDIT2: Wh-What!? Now, when the mission loads, it's -spawning additional helicopters-


Yea, mission must be totally corrupted or something. Upon loading, it's now flinging ships and helicopters around like a chimp flings poop. The highlight of this was 2 destroyers and an aircraft carrier spawning clumped together into a single... thing, about 300ft in the air, and falling right on top of one poor, unfortunate frigate.

EDIT3: Okay, somehow, -without- pressing shft+ctrl+c and shift+ctrl+v, everything on the map got duplicated, so the map's canned. I'll keep it for script referance but it's all but done for.

Edited by Bungdup

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