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Shut Jo Mouth, Foo!

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I'd like to see you do BETTER that DEVIL!

All you guys do I sComplain, Complain, Complain.

He's GIVING you NEW (Sorta) Vehicles, BE HAPPY!!

(I like the Fire-Truck, you really took your time on that!)

The Muffler looks SWEET on the BDRM.

But, Instead of police, make them SWAT, having a SWAT BDRM would be S-W-E-E-T! (And filling 'em in with BlackOp)

I have one more thing to say to you Devil:

With every new vehicle you make, it seems as if you're not taking your time, and they're starting to look a little Sloppy, for instance, (I know, i know, I'm starting to complain, but don't get me wrong, I COLD *NEVER* DO WHAT YOUR DOING!, just thinkg of this as Advice)

Where was I?

Oh yes,

This may sound like much, but Maybe write "Police" in Russian, (only for the Russian vehicles, of course)

And add a Police (Or SWAT) logo to the Side of the Kiwoia Warrior, and get rid of that Police logo on the Roof of the jeep, (It IS canvas after all, just think about it)

...And how 'bout a turret for the BDRM?

To wrap this all up, Devil, you're doing a great job, don't listen to those other people, and BIS, if you REALLY ARE going to ban him (Wich is probably a lie) don't, please.

I can just picture flying a UH-60, looking down on the road below, and seeing "POLICE" written on a jeep... smile.gif

P.S. I may be on of your.. uh, biggest.. Fans. (?) but, if you want to gain more respect, Maybe.. Stop lying? But seriously, just my 2 Cents. smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Sid on 1:37 am on Nov. 28, 2001

I'd like to see you do BETTER that DEVIL!

<span id='postcolor'>

well there is kegetys who is masta of addons! heheh

drewb99 lol, geeze, he looks funny ingame, when you turn your head there is this thick dark black line on the side of his head

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yay, I must admit kegety's addons are the Bomb!

I download ll his.. No foffence Devil smile.gif

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I admit that I'm not the best!

Kegetys is better than me because he has been around since the beggining. All I am asking for is a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T! Give it to me now! Yeah!


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Sid on 1:37 am on Nov. 28, 2001

Maybe.. Stop lying?

<span id='postcolor'>

Ok, let's get this one thing straight. Please, EVERYONE, name what I have lied about!

I told you for one I am sorry for the C-130 prank! Big deal! There is this guy that is saying there is a new model of the Harrier and in the post it says "Eat $hit" or something, and noone is flaming him!!

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Good Point, I sincerely apolagize.

I havn't been around for a while, remember?

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Lol, i see your up on your ass today, eh? pretty fast around the fourms I must say.


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lol, hard work, isn't it?

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