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Realism advice

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If you were going to send a team behind enemy lines to do things like assassinate high ranking officers, disrupt enemy communications, sabatage various things, etc. and they had to be able to survive for a while, how many members would you put on the team?

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I would say about four guys. Four is enough of a number for team tactics, fire support and that sort of stuff, but any more than four and you can't all ride in a civvie vehicle, you'd need a truck. Not exactly stealthy wink.gif .


Mr B

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3 or 4 if its a non-sniper mission, but if it is a sniper mission, id say 1 or 2.

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4 men is generally what they use in real life.

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Lurps (LRRP - Long Range Reconnisance Patrol) in Vietnam usually were 6 men in a small team! Sometimes they were 2 groups - 12 men. Their job: gather information deep behind enemy lines and ambush the vc!

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