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Mission 7 – Eye of the Hurricane. Can't complete (Spoilers inside)

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After about my 10th attempt I managed to rescue the hostages without getting shot.

Then I went looking for Aziz, who I thought was going to come out the front of the compound in an SUV (I read a walkthrough for tips) but eventually after driving into the compound I spotted him sneaking out the back and killed him.

Then I went to destroy the SCUD launchers, but they'd already been destroyed (I shot them again anyway!), as had any tanks I came across. I found a few stray soldiers and killed them but still the mission isn't finishing.

I'm wondering if the mods I had enabled screw the campaign up. I only had JSRS (and CBA, CBA_OA, CBA_A2 which it requires), jayarma2lib_new (didn't really need this, I normally have it for ACRE but that was disabled), Blastcore Visuals and sthud. I've seen other people say they play the campaign with JSRS and Blastcore Visuals though.

I'm running the latest beta for OA and launched in CO (lite) mode via Arma II Launcher.

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It is generally a very bad idea to play official missions using mods. Disable all of them and revert to the start of the mission.

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Yeah seems so. I've completed it now (after taking about another ten attempts to rescue the hostages without getting my head blown off every time I poked my head round the door!).

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