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Camera questions

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What are the camprepare commands for exatcly and what do they do?

Like camPrepareTarget, doesn't target, but what are they usefull for?


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I read about it, I see that "camera.sqs" use it when I save the position with LMB, I know what "prepare" means in english. But I dont get the diference between campreparetarget and camsettarget? If it "prepares" the target, what does exactly imply??

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It sort of pre-loads the scene so that when the camera jumps to it, you don't get any LOD-switching. If you just use camSetTarget then any objects or units in the scene may appear with low-res models and textures for a second or so, because the camera has instantly jumped there and the game needs time to transition the LODs.

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I see, thanks. Another one: do the commands setCameraInterest work?? I'm trying to make a scene where there 2 units, one close to the camera, the other one is 30m away and I want the camera to focus on the one that is further away. I tried with setCameraInterest but I see no results. Thank you

_camera = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0]

_camera cameraeffect ["internal", "back"]

;comment "18:30:21";

_camera camPrepareTarget [-58517.43,82171.87,-3742.54];

_camera camPreparePos [527.88,1550.53,1.66];

_camera camPrepareFOV 0.260;

_camera camCommitPrepared 0

_camera camPrepareFocus [50,1]

_camera camCommitPrepare 0

a2 setCameraInterest 50

a1 setCameraInterest 0

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