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Lazy GPU online - gpu is not running 100% in multiplayer game

Did you ever encounter this "lazy GPU" problem ever before or even at the moment?  

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  1. 1. Did you ever encounter this "lazy GPU" problem ever before or even at the moment?

    • Yes, I did.
    • No, I didnt
    • I have no idea what you are talking about.

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*quick problem description:

GPU seems to act differently in singleplayer and multiplayer games. It never reaches 90-100% performance load in online game.

*long version:

GPUs in any game usually run at 90-100% of their performance to provide as much frames as possible. This is also true in Arma 2 singleplayer. The problem occures in multiplayer when my GPU runs at 30 to 60% providing me a fraction of possible FPS. Typical example is that my GPU runs at 30% and I have 18 frames in MP game, then I switch to singleplayer (same) map and my GPU just jumps to 95% load instantly providing me some 50 FPS even with 100 moving AI vehicles (simulating MP AI\player load) and running soldiers in front of me.


AMD Athlon 2 X3 455 [i am very satisfied with this CPU, it usually runs at 60-70% in both SP and MP without problem. It never runs 100% or so, not even in SP]

4 GB RAM [Arma 2 loads my RAMs to 50-60%, no matter SP or MP, this is quite stable]

SAPPHIRE HD 6750 VAPOR-X, DDR5 1GB (its 100USD card at 2012 for your quick comparison) [1080 resolution, mix normal-high graphical settings gives me 40 FPS in SP while GPU is loaded 90-100% all the time. In MP it gives me 15-30 FPS while GPU load varies from 30 to 60%, I havent seen it run 90-100% in MP game so far]

NOTE: I am aware MP missions and games are more demanding since internet connection, AIs, other players etc. My issue is that GPU is not even trying to get me full performance in MP game, its having a nap while I play online.

NOTE: All my testing used the same graphical settings, same map, similar number of AI units.

NOTE: Lowering graphics doesnt help in MP. I lowered graphics to all minimum. SP games increased from some 40 FPS to 120 FPS (Vsync off). In MP it had little to no effect - I had 20FPS on one server and it increased to some 24FPS after decreasing graphics, the GPU load stayed at 35%.

NOTE: The GPU load varies greatly with server I play with. Some online server make my GPU run at 30% only providing me very low FPS. Some other server force my GPU to run up to 60% giving me a bit better performance, but it still never reach 90-100% load which it does in a singleplayer or in any other game. Number of players, mods, mission type etc seems irrelevant in this effect.

Do you have any ideas why this "lazy GPU" syndrome occures?

Edited by ackreti

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