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ArmA 2 Life Mod, Civ Menu for Cars

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Hey all, I've been working on a civ menu for cars in a life mission I'm editing. So basically I have a line that executes a script for the nearest vehicles. And the script that is called is a loop that adds an action called "Civ Menu" to the nearest vehicle every 5 seconds. But I'm having troube defining the player that is actually IN the vehicle. I've tweaked the script a little and probably royally messed it up. But I thought you guys would be able to help me. For anyone not familiar with life missions the civ menu is the little dialog that pops up that allows you to put people in jail, ticket, etc. etc.

Here is the script I'm having troubles with:

_vcl = (nearestobjects [getpos player, ["Air", "Ship", "LandVehicle"], 3] select 0);
_array = _this select 3;
_art   = _array select 0;

if (vehicle player == _vcl) then


_civ == vehicle player;


if (_art == "civmenu") then 


if (!(createDialog "civmenu")) exitWith {hint "Dialog Error!";};

civmenu_civ = _civ;
civmenuciv  = player;    
sliderSetRange [3, 1, 25];
sliderSetSpeed [3, 1, 5];

while {ctrlVisible 1006} do 


   ctrlSetText [4,  format[localize "STRS_dialogcivmenu_arrest", ((round(sliderPosition 3)) call ISSE_str_IntToStr) ]];
   sleep 0.3;



Thanks in advance for the help.

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