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Bombs not detonating in multiplayer

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I have a multiplayer mission where a trigger creates several bombs which explode. This works fine in the Preview mode from editor and fine when I export to multiplayer mission and run a LAN game by myself to test it. The problem is when I host a game and then my friends join the server, the bombs don't detonate. I made this mission quite a while ago and it used to work fine. Did a patch change something? What am I missing here? Thanks!

Here is what I have in the Act box on the trigger: (manually word wrapped for ease of viewing)

KRON_UPS_reinforcement = true; if (isServer) then { IED1b = "BO_GBU12_LGB" createVehicle 
[(getPos IED1 select 0), (getPos IED1 select 1), 0.1];  }; if (isServer) then { IED2b = "BO_GBU12_LGB"
createVehicle [(getPos IED2 select 0), (getPos IED2 select 1), 0.1];  };  if (isServer) then { IED3b =
"BO_GBU12_LGB" createVehicle [(getPos IED3 select 0), (getPos IED3 select 1), 0.1];  }; if (isServer)
then { IED4b = "BO_GBU12_LGB" createVehicle [(getPos IED4 select 0), (getPos IED4 select 1), 0.1];
 }; deleteVehicle IED1; deleteVehicle IED2; deleteVehicle IED3; {_x setDamage 1} forEach thislist;
EngGrp1Dead = true; publicVariable "EngGrp1Dead";  tskWestObj2 = player createSimpleTask
["Secondary: Defend U.N. Outpost"];     tskWestObj2 setSimpleTaskDescription["Defend the <marker
name='UNmkr'>U.N. Outpost</marker> from the ambush.", "Defend U.N. Outpost", "Defend U.N. 
Outpost"];    tskWestObj2 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "UNmkr");    player 
setCurrentTask tskWestObj2; hint "Bomb defusal team is down! New Mission Objective (Defend U.N.

Edited by Deathcon5
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What does the trigger condition look like ?

(And please use code tags)


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The trigger is an "any group member present" and it is synched to an AI controlled group. Who, by the way, are also behaving differently when in multiplayer. I have a civilian who follows waypoints and one of his waypoints is syched with the Bluefor AI groups waypoints, so they will meet up as if to talk. but, he just blasts right on through when on multiplayer. odd. It is firing because I get the hint at the end.

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