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Enemies stop shooting after respawn.

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hey everyone,

im playing on ARMA FREE.

im currently working on a pretty ambitious coop where im planning to have 4 missions with 3 or more tasks in it. all that in one single coop mission.

tried the first mission for a few days with my friends and then i realized that the enemies dont notice us at all after we die and respawn twice. and i noticed that our arrows dont appear on the map anymore. im using the normal respawn = "INSTANT" on the description.ext . respawn delay is 60 btw.

anyone know why this happens?

i've got no idea i why cant implement the norrin revive. it happened to work once but after that it keeps going back to the normal respawn mode. however, i intend to keep the respawn on wherever you died cause respawning back to base and having to ride a chopper back to the mission kinda kills the fun for me and my friends. but if its possible for the norrin revive to do just that, i'd pump my brain juice onto make it work.

i'm currently using crB's AI caching script and norrin's air taxi.

and is it possible to select which mission to do through parameters? my plan is to have the host to be able to choose which of the 4 missions to start from.


i deleted the first aid module and i still get shot at after 8 deaths already. found this right after i posted this thread. honest sorry admins!

ANYWAY anyone know if im able to activate a set of tasks through the parameters?

Edited by odoyodo

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