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Inventory bug?

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I have a problem with the inventory within the briefing before missions. When I delete items from my inventory such as the map, watch etc. I cant get them in afterwards. The first slot is ok, but the next item I click gives me a double item. This happens to me with Arma II, Arma II OA, all with or without mods like ACE 2 etc. This is very annoying because when you start with a basic inventory, and I want to add something to that I get a double amount of that, for instance 2 earplugs or 2 spotter scope, and I cant add more stuff, because its overwrites the earplugs or spotter scop in this case, even there are more slots available.

http://i42.tinypic.com/adhgfr.jpg (948 kB)

Please help me with this, I search the whole internet for this problem, but cant find it,

Sorry for my bad english



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Me too have exactly the same problem and no luck with internet.If anyone knows how to fix it please post.


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Has anyone figured this out? I haven't. I disabled all mods. I can't disable "expansion" or "beta"... perhaps those are the culprits?

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@blaze1093: ? you don't need to "disable" the beta (which lurks in the "Expansions" folder), you simply start the vanilla game. You can do that either by double-clicking the arma2OA.exe or more conveniently, putting a shortcut on the desktop.

As always in troubleshooting, start the vanilla game with no mods or betas, and play one or two of the stock BIS SP games like Trial by Fire or Hike in the Hills (unless a problem is obviously MP-specific). See if the problem still occurs. Please post back with the result.

However, I have to say that I have never seen this behaviour. I have seen others having different inventory issues due to mod conflicts, however. Only inventory issue I ever saw was due to bug in a beta which the devs fixed within hours.

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I started up normal 'ArmA 2,' not Operation Arrowhead, and I get the same behavior there as well. So random and irritating.

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I suggest that you raise a CIT, though unless the devs can reproduce this it will be difficult to fix.

A workaround might be to use a script to change the item inventory, launched from the unit init line(s).

You could start by taking a look at Celery's add weapon script. You'll need to modify the "Don't remove countermeasures or items" section.

If you want to publish anything - such as a mission - with the modified script you'll need to ask ask Celery for permission.

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