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CC:GM Unit pathing & misc Beta Issues

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Is anybody else experiencing really messed up pathing with the units?

If I send walruses or mantas in groups of 4, they seem to all get confused and spent an awful long time trying to work our a path?

Walruses are the worst, since they only move in 2D but mantas are not immune. Many a time I would send 4 Mantas to attack an AT gun behind a hill and I would have all 4 of them stopping in front of the hill going up and down but not really able to move over it or around it.

When it comes to walruses, pathing is enough to drive a man up the walls! a group of walruses sent to a point on the map will struggle and juggle between them to get there, if they ever do. if they are all in a compound, then matters are even worse when 3-4 of them will be struggling to get anywhere, mostly getting stuck amongst themselves. If they are under attack from enemy forces, they will spend their time micro-maneuvering around meanwhile getting bounded by enemy aircraft/guns/tanks till one by one are toast!

Another thing that seems odd is the price for armour of mantas: 1200 mats for 1 armour vs 600 for a manta! 400 mats for a walrus vs 900 for its armour. If you loose the initial 4 mantas/walruses (a thing not too hard with the pathing as it stands) replacing them is neigh impossible, since to build the armour would take forever. Is this right and by design ?

I know it's beta and the game will change till release but with the pathing as it stands the game for me is unplayable.

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Path-finding is a perennial problem in games, I think if anyone came out with a truly effective general algorithm for it they'd be thanked by a lot of people. The fact that debris can accumulate on the island in this game doesn't help matters, maybe they could make Walruses munch or burn up the debris on contact and just have a better the way-point system on the islands.

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  AlFitz said:
Path-finding is a perennial problem in games, I think if anyone came out with a truly effective general algorithm .

Check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A*. It's not completely perfect for debris-strewn landscape, but then again, even humans make mistakes ;-)

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  AlFitz said:
Path-finding is a perennial problem in games, I think if anyone came out with a truly effective general algorithm for it they'd be thanked by a lot of people. The fact that debris can accumulate on the island in this game doesn't help matters, maybe they could make Walruses munch or burn up the debris on contact and just have a better the way-point system on the islands.

True yes, but we are talking about some basic functions here. as it stands the game is frustrating, to say the least! Sending 2 mantas to attack an AA post and they will hover close enough to the AA allowing it to take them out one by one. Same thing with Walruses. Send them to attack an AA/AT post and they will just struggle to find the path to it; and when/if they do and they are not dead yet, they will refuse to attack it.

I was just wondering if anybody else has experienced this behavior from the game. My hope is that this is an early stage and the AI of the game has not been fully developed yet

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