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co8 - Operation Sabre (ACE + ACRE)

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Operation Sabre

by Mueller

Download from Mediafire

Download from Armaholic


This is the first mission I've decided to release publicly. It was made in about an hour for a couple people to play and turned out to be quite fun. Enjoy!

You're part of a Section of Royal Marines who've been tasked with searching for some Taliban fighters that have been harassing other groups in the area for the past week. Is this just another routine patrol or something else entirely?


ACE Medical System

Respawns (if you're unfortunate enough to die)

Shepherds blocking your way

Section sized urban combat

1-2 hours of gameplay

A mine or two


Put the .pbo-file in your MPMissions folder in the game folder.

Credits & Thanks

Bohemia for ARMA

Enigma for his post layout

McNools for his awesome map, keep up the good work!

The ACE, ACRE, and UKF teams for their hard work

Wolffy.au for making the cB Random House Position and Patrol scripts


ArmA 2 Combined Operations


Aliabad Region






UKF Weapons Pack

Edited by mueller

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Looks cool, I'd be very interested in playing this with bigger numbers.

Can you get in touch?

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Looks cool, I'd be very interested in playing this with bigger numbers.

Can you get in touch?

Sure, just send me a PM.

Updated to work perfectly with Aliabad 1.1.

Edited by mueller

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I played this mission with Mueller and a bunch of my fellow 15th guys last night. Great mission!

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Cool little patrol mission. Always nice to see missions made for small infantry operations.

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