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Stress test a mission is it possible

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Does anyone know a way to sort of stress test a mission , for lagg on a Dedi server ?

There is nothing worse than starting a mission and getting 1 hour in then get hit with Lagg , So i was wondering the best way to test for this apart from getting 20 players to give up there time to all join in and test !

We played a mission with 8 players the other night all great ,no issues, then had another go with 15 players another night and it started to lagg out really bad !

So is there a way to test a mission for Lagg before playing it ?

BTW No idea why it posted 2 threads as i only hit the submit once !

Edited by psvialli

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The only idea i have is a trial and error approach, see how many players you get, scale mission accordingly and stuff.

HOWEVER, my best suggestion is a performance handler, it won't test the mission, which i'm guessing is designed for a large amount of players, but it can adapt the mission performance level, obviously garbage collectors and self-dynamic cleaning scripts can help to tidy things, but maybe this:

_v = viewDistance;

performanceHandler = [_v] spawn


_v = _this select 0;

if (_v < 2800) then {setViewDistance 2800;} else {terminate performanceHandler;};

waitUntil {MAIN_littlebird distance lhd1 > 1400};

setViewDistance _v;



was ripped out of my mission so pretty crude, but my idea was that there is a function for testing FPS, i know it is used for benchmarks and it returns an FPS, so say we have _fps = call thefpsfunction;, and then say if _fps is lower than a certain number, then reduce view distance by such and such an amount. you get the general idea, it is really only a performance measure, not really a way of testing the capacity. meh, it was worth a try. T_T.

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