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Info board with simple text

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I've been searching high and low trying to figure out how to add some text to the "info board" you find in the editor, but without getting any wiser.

Basically, i just want to add a few server rules and pointers to the infoboard, although I'm not sure if that's even possible.


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for instance you can use

this setObjectTexture [0, "rules.paa"];

But you have to create the paa first ;)

I would use object like FARP winchester or something like this, because you have more space for your rules then.

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The actual PROPER example below:

infoBoard = ["<img size='2' image='img\myImage.paa'/><br />Some text on the second line", getPos someObject] spawn bis_fnc_3Dcredits;

this will create 3d style text around an object, maxium 2 lines i believe, give the function a search if your further interested for colours, sizes etc. hope it helps. makes a nice waypoint idicator anyhow.

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