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Use made campaign appear as double entry in the campaign menu!

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Recently I formatted my PC (upgraded my motherboard and RAM memory) and reinstalled my ArmA2 again, installing ArmA2, ArmA2 Operation Arrowhead (DVD version -> Combined Operations), updated to the most recent patch and installed the DLCs (BAF and PMC). So far I haven't install any mods with the exception of user made campaigns (creating the campaigns folders and copying the campaigns into this folder) but now I noticed that ANY user made campaigns will appear in the campaign menu as a double entry which is VERY annoying (specially if you have a considerable number of user made campaigns installed).

I noticed that there was a thread here where people complained about the same issue but this was an old thread and there wasn't any solutions to my problem in it, so I ask here for help in order to solve this very annoying problem! This is also a very wierd issue since I never had this problem in the past.

Thanks in advance for any replies...

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I have the same problem but I don't know how to resolve it

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