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Help: M119A1 Howitzer towed

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How I can tow a M119A1 Howitzer artillery piece?

What vehicle can do?

I want to know the method to towed artillery piece. (script or way to do it with or without ACE).

PS. I use ACE.



Ok, I found this: [R3F] Artillery and Logistic (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=9285)

Anyway, if anyone knows another way to do it would be useful.

Edited by rolo87
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Just use the attachTo command. artyobject attachto[towingobject,[offset]]; To get the barrel facing backwards, use the setDir command. artyobject setdir 180; Put it into the init line if you want it to be attached from the beginning, else write a script and add this as action to the gun or whatever you want. If you want it to be removed, just use detach artyobject; Add it as an action on the towing vehicle. If you use some booleans in the attach/detach scripts you can make it check if the gun is attached and only provide the actions if the status makes sense (i.e. not providing detach option on a truck not towing anything).

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Quick script for towing the "M119_US_EP1" behind the (OA) MTVR series vehicles, you can tow and untow multiple times between permitted vehicles:

"M119_US_EP1" init:

this addAction ["tow", "tow.sqf"];


private ["_unit","_id","_vehtypes","_nObject","_type","_unit1","_vehs","_class"];
_unit = _this select 0;
_id = _this select 2;
_vehtypes = ["MTVR_DES_EP1","MtvrReammo_DES_EP1","MtvrSalvage_DES_EP1","MtvrSupply_DES_EP1","MtvrRepair_DES_EP1"];

{unassignVehicle _x; doGetOut _x} forEach crew _unit;
_vehs = nearestObjects [_unit, ["Car"], 10];
_nObject = _vehs select 0;
_class = typeOf _nObject;

if (isNil "_class") exitwith {hint "Towing Vehicle not in position"};
if (!(_class in _vehtypes)) exitwith {hint "Towing Vehicle is wrong type"};
_type = typeOf _unit;
_unit removeAction _id;
sleep 3;

deleteVehicle _unit;
_unit1= _type createVehicle [0,0,0];
_unit1 attachTo [_nObject,[0,-6.1,-1.3]];
_unit1 setDir 180;
_unit1 addAction ["untow", "untow.sqf"];


private ["_unit","_id"];
_unit = _this select 0;
_id = _this select 2;

detach _unit;
_unit removeAction _id;
_unit addAction ["tow", "tow.sqf"];

It can be adapted to tow anything, just change the _vehTypes and the attachTo position. _vehtypes should all be the same shape (e.g. HUMMVVs or MTVR or URALs) or you will need to add lines to account for different attachTo perameters and vehicles.

note: I delete the vehicle and create a new one to reset the turret position (would not be necessary for most other vehicles). If the turret is not aligned with the vehicle direction it attaches side on. Deleting is the best way to solve that, there is no way to move an empty turret. For towing in general RF3 Arty & Log is an awesome script.

Edited by PELHAM

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Ty guys!

The only problem is the conflict between the ACE system artillery and the RF3 Arty & Log artillery system.


Edited by rolo87
Conflict artillery system between RF3 Arty & Log vs ACE

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