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Looking to setup a Server for a Small Clan - Suggestions as to host?

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I'm looking to setup a small server for my clan, had a quick google, but I got quoted £120 for a 16 player server and then £50 for the same spec, thought it'd be worth posting here first to see if there are any reccomendations to hosts before I just choose the cheapest host, which as past experience has proved, isn't always the best choice to make!

What we need:

14-16 slots.


FTP Access

Pretty Easy Setup

Please bear in mind this will be my first ARMA CO server, so I won't be up for setting up every single setting to do with the server manually.



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Take alook at AlphaNetworks 16 slots =13.35 quid

Never had any problems, easy to use c-panel ,for changing command lines,multiple command lines etc etc

Ftp to upload any mods/mission etc

They'll even install the bigger mods for you if needed :cool:

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Many people would recommend JestServers.com. With Jest everything is straight forward, his support is also up there at the top. He'll also set up SixUpdater to update server mods on a given date if required, very helpful if you plan on using ACE and ACRE.

I hope this helps.

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I agree with MissileMoose - jestservers.com is the way to go. Jest is very quick to respond to any questions or issues and knows his stuff. I've been with other providers and they just did not have the quality of service that Jest provides. He's also got servers pretty much across the country so you can usually find one near to the your largest concentration of players and that makes it a much better experience.

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