mattchicago 10 Posted April 10, 2012 So i thought i would venture into learning about oxygen 2 and everything else i have had the tools on my computer forever so why not dabble with learning some 3d modeling. I have always delt with modeling to some degree using secondlife and but this is a bit more interesting. I have figured out how to export a z3d file to P3D file and import into oxygen 2 and then open it up with bulldozer to see the vehicle now that part works texture wise, and how the vehicle is laid out i am stuck on the part where you make everything work. I am looking for a teacher to help me using VIA skype using share screen or group call just when you can or you got extra time to teach someone new about this whole making vehicles and other objects work in arma2 OA. I wont take up a lot of your time i just want to learn a few things a day and when its all said and done i should be able to retain all the information and do it myself after some time. If you can assist me please add me up on skype below. Username matthew.nalett email Share this post Link to post Share on other sites