DoubleCore 1 Posted April 9, 2012 I have Arma II from Green Man Gaming and when I try to join to any server it basically return to the server finder and do nothing (after all the loading) I have a video on youtube but I can't post it right now cuz I have 0 posts.. Just write in YouTube: "Why can't I join multiplayer games on Arma 2" and the first video you see that's my problem. I tried to re-install the game about 5 times. Nothing works. My version is 1.11 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
larsiano 12 Posted April 11, 2012 - Do you have any mod folders in your arma folder that dont include the '@' (@mod) infront of it or a modded shortcut (or do you use a ArmA launcher? - Have you tried to remove your config folders from both the Documents folder and the C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Local (hidden by default) folders? - Have you tried to manualy update the BE files ( ). - Have you tried with the latest Béta patch (SIXupdater is the easiest)? - If all fails maybe you can have a look at your arma2oa.RPT located in the appdata folder mentioned above. Please post the last page. - Maybe you could (as a test) login to our A2 ( server and if you give me the exact time you do that (including timezone) so i (or another helpfull serveradmin) can look at the reason why the server doesnt except your connection / profiel etc... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jacob_3 1 Posted November 15, 2012 larsiano, I want to try that because i get kicked while trying to join every multiplayer game on arma 2 as well, what server and when? if you still can Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
larsiano 12 Posted November 15, 2012 Our A2 server is down for the moment cant help you but 90% of the time its this problem: Notice: Cannot get in on the ArmA2(vanilla) server? v1.11 patch installed? Try this: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jacob_3 1 Posted November 15, 2012 Thank you for trying to help, i downloaded the file and copy/replaced it with the original one, and it seemed like it was going to work but then i was kicked again, some servers say "you were kicked" but then some say "you were banned" ..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites