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CWR2 - Domination Malden - 1985 Edition (port+tweeks of Everon version)

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I checked the mission #11, at first I also thought it is broken as there was nothing directly at the destination, but then I started to read the mission script.

This mission is not the "usual" with commander hidden in a bunker. In this mission an officer is randomly placed in 400m radius without fortress and is moving around. You have to find him ;).

But I understand that it is confusing, therefore I have played with the script a little and made it that the commander hides in the haystack building. Will be done this way since next version.

PS: Back to one old/fixed problem with an enemy officer that went fishing and was under the docks, I will be recreating this mission without the fortress protecting the officer and this way I can put him up on the docks properly.

On your questions.

1.) \x_missions\x_missionssetup.sqf


the "BASIC" infantry group is defined in i_server.sqf, find this string that define for example east soldiers team


ant this string defines west team


But for main targets, I would recommend focusing on the definitions of the number of teams on main target defined in i_server.sqf (full text search "WithLessArmor" and look around).

For side-missions, some missions create enemies directly in the scripts, others use Xeno's custom created functions that call the number of spetznats and a number of basic groups (but the basic group is the one defined in i_server.sqf I told you above. For inspiration have a look at mission 17 and these functions:

["shilka", 1, "bmp", 1, "tank", 1, _pos_other,1,110,true] spawn FUNC(CreateArmor);

["specops", 2, "basic", 1, _poss,70,true] spawn FUNC(CreateInf);

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Update 12e released, only bugfixes, integrated new garroson script + in preparation for a special mission I started preparing, one new parameter added that can, if someone wants, give ArmA2 weapons to the ammo stash. I personally will not use this, I also do not expect many CWR2 fans to use this as it breaks the 1985 atmosphere (by default it is disabled), but as I already had it created, I made the choice available.


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Nice and thanks for the credit.

About my port to Cicada, any change in the sidemissions files (mev folder)?

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11 and 17 were changed a bit, there was no bug in them, I only disabled the random officer placement in 400m radius in one, and in the other I disabled the fortress protecting the enemy officer.

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Hi, I just make another copy of mission file of my Cicada version and copy-paste all the other files as usual. I maked my adjustments in i-server, i-common, i-client and description file, but for some reason the scripts don't work.

What I have to check?

Thanks for your advice.

Edited by OverCharger
Bad english

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start ArmA2oa.exe with the ""-showscripterrors"" parameter to have script errors show while playing, it should at minimum tell you the line in the sqf files the script has issues with. This with some screenshots should work for most basic bugs.

Alternative are some more techniques that you can read about here : http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Debugging_Techniques


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Version 12e on Cicada is working. Thanks.

About sidemission 44, how can I remove the hangar?

Edited by OverCharger

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Hi ZerXen, about my Cicada port:

These days I have been correcting the positions of the sidemissions on the island and changing some things considering that the intention is to make a mission for a small group. One less transport helicopter, only armored and choppers as bonus and less slots in the beginning

12e version works great, the garrison script is really enjoyable and the music player works perfect.

When the mission is ready I will share with you. I'm not the only one playing with a few friends in LAN I think.

I intend to make a resistance version on Nogova too.

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After some test yesterday on Cicada, I found some problems with the convoys and with isle defense units. Some of them didn´t find the roads and even they are moving in the water. :cool:

Another detail. The mission file still have a couple of lines with glt addons.

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If the convoy didn't found the road, it can still be the island creator error that the roads doesn't contain path waypoints correctly. Try the cicada in empty editor and some test AI car and a waypoint (or give it move order) if it will be able to use a road.

On the glt, I tried to remove all glt for basic west/east versions completely (or comment it out), and I tested by starting the missing in arma install that didn't had glt addons installed. If it is causing a problem, let me know which file it is.

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I cleaned up the mission file and had no more problems with glt addons.

My Cicada port is almost finish amd tomorrow I´ll have a testing session with 4 friends.

Thanks a lot for your help.

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Hi, the CWR version 12e on Cicada is done.

Later Today I´m going to publish a link with the file.

Just two details on the mission:

The flag on base radar and when you take an enemy bunker on main targets is the flag of Russia (not the soviet one).

The enemy artillery operators are modern US infantry.

Any way of change it?


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Hi ZerXen, I´m making a resistance version in Nogova.

Could you explain in detail how to extend the selection of music in your music player.

I tried changing the track names and the length in seconds, but obviusly I´m doing something wrong.

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Hi again ZerXen, did you try the port on Cicada? I´ll like to hear your opinion.

I'm still trying to make a resistance version in Nogova.

Could you help me with my previous questions?

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Hello OC,

Well, the most important array is this one in my script "ZXscripts/playMusicOFP.sqf"

_ofp_tracks = ["Track1","Track2","Track3","Track5","Track6","Track7","Track8","Track9","Track10","Track11","Track12","Track13","Track14","Track4","Track15","Track16","Frost"];

These are the in-game names of music tracks. I have taken these from inside the game. For example if you place a trigger to a map and select as action there play music, the drop-down menu of available music has these names there already with CWR2 mod. In summary, if the music you want is already inside arma (all these songs are from CWR2 mod) then you can only extend the array with more tracks.

However, if you are talking about putting completely new music files to the game (for example your favourite mp3), then you have to first compile it to the mission. Arma can use .ogg files directly, so you should be able to modify my script to play the external .ogg tracks and also external .ogg files. There are guides out there like this one:

Hope this helps, there is a lot of guides out there ;)

With regards,


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Hi ZerXen, first I´m trying to port a personal music addon from Arma I to Arma II.

After that, I´D like to use in combination with your music player.


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Hi, the resistance version is working with a extended selection of music.


I have only a little question about flags on side missions and main targets camps.

The enemy one is the Russian flag and I´ll like to put the Soviet one.

About camps, when I capture one teh camp show the USA flag and I´ll like the FIA one.

Any idea?

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