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A question about OA servers..

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Even if i only have A2 installed and not OA, do i still see all the OA servers? Or will i see a bunch more OA servers once i have installed OA?

Depending on what answer i will get i will have more questions.

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Most servers are OA or CO, no doubt bout that, but cant remember if they show in a2-only mp-list.

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I have only A2 and i can see a few OA servers, i guess there must be more OA servers than that..

Is there OA servers where you can fly with attack chopper?

In A2 there is basically not a single server which has attack choppers easily available, but on a few servers if you are very lucky you can unlock a attack chopper when you do side missions.

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I assume you're talking about Domination here.

In the two constantly-populated Domination servers, usually TAW's and 7th Cavalry's, the rules are pretty different. The TAW server will basically let you spin up whatever vehicle you want and head to the AO with it. So if you can find an AH-64 there, you can hop in and go to town. The fixed-wing aircraft in that server are only available to TAW members, however, and in general the server is quite messy and disorganized.

The 7th Cav server has strict rules about who can fly aircraft and who can't. You have to be on TS3 and have a microphone to fly any sort of aircraft, and there is usually only one CAS aircraft at a time. The two starting CAS aircraft (AH-64 and A-10) are generally locked, so doing sidemissions is the only way to get an attack helicopter. Also, all attack aircraft pilots cannot just go in and rip up the AO with FFARs and Hellfire missiles. You have to be called in with a CAS 9-line from someone on the ground, which is, in my opinion, how it should be.

Please make sure you know how to fly an attack helicopter and utilize its weapons systems before you do so in an MP server. People don't like it when you crash a multi-million dollar piece of equipment into the ground a few seconds after taking off.

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