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nearestLocations not yielding results

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I've created this script to find locations around the map of Takistan, but the script seems to stop after the debug message "STARTING". I've waited up to ten minutes and the other debug message "FINISHED" never pops up.

Is there some sort of error that I'm currently missing in this? I call it from a server init like this:

null = execVM "server\mission_loop.sqf"; 

Here is the script:

loc_towns = [];
loc_hills = [];
loc_airports = [];
loc_viewpoints = [];
loc_passes = [];

_loc = nearestLocations [[0,0,0],["Name","NameLocal","NameVillage","NameCity","NameCityCapital","Hill","Airport","ViewPoint"],50000];

player sideChat "STARTING";

if( position _x distance getMarkerPos "fob" > 1500) then {
	switch (type _x) do {
		case "Name": {loc_passes = loc_passes + [_x];};
		case "NameLocal": {loc_passes = loc_passes + [_x];};
		case "NameVillage": {loc_towns = loc_towns + [_x];};
		case "NameCity": {loc_towns = loc_towns + [_x];};
		case "NameCityCapital": {loc_towns = loc_towns + [_x];};
		case "Hill": {loc_hills = loc_hills + [_x];};
		case "Airport": {loc_airports = loc_airports + [_x];};
		case "ViewPoint": {loc_viewpoints = loc_viewpoints + [_x];};
} foreach _loc;

player sideChat "FINISHED";

I have a COMP spawning script that uses some of these locations, but nothing happens, I would assume that it insures that the mission_loop.sqf is at fault.

Thanks for any help,


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don't forget to close the if structure

   if( position _x distance getMarkerPos "fob" > 1500) then {
       switch (type _x) do {
           case "Name": {loc_passes = loc_passes + [_x];};
           case "NameLocal": {loc_passes = loc_passes + [_x];};
           case "NameVillage": {loc_towns = loc_towns + [_x];};
           case "NameCity": {loc_towns = loc_towns + [_x];};
           case "NameCityCapital": {loc_towns = loc_towns + [_x];};
           case "Hill": {loc_hills = loc_hills + [_x];};
           case "Airport": {loc_airports = loc_airports + [_x];};
           case "ViewPoint": {loc_viewpoints = loc_viewpoints + [_x];};
} foreach _loc;

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Also, because the script will be itterating through many, many locations and indexing the whole map - you might want to consider some optimizations.

Specifically, you could situate the command between startLoadingScreen ... and endLoadingScreen so that the engine is dedicated to running the scripts and does not do any simulation processing or rendering.

A good page to read is Code Optimization on the wiki.

- Binary array addition is significantly slower than using set:

loc_passes set [count loc_passes,_x]

- Position is much slower that getPosATL or getPosASL.

Furthermore, if you want ALL the locations on the map, it might be far more practical and cost much less performance to read the locations from the config file directly, rather than use nearestLocations as this has to search the map for them. In fact, depending on what you are doing with the values, you could possibly read them directly from the config without having to store them as an array. The config is already loaded memory anyway, so it's there to use for "free".

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