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Zargabad(Takistan?) Environment Lighting/Brightness Bug

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I have, since the release of OA, had some problems with the lighting on the 2 maps Takistan and Zargabad. Some times the terrain would become overly bright and unrealistically blinding. I was initially blaming this on Bloom. While I think Bloom is still too strong (and compounds this problem), I believe there is another bug to do with the environment lighting that is causing the problem. I'm not 100% sure for Takistan, but definitely for Zargabad. I don't know if these two maps use the exact same type of lighting. Zargabad seems a little different. But I have had this brightness problem on both maps, so it probably affects Takistan in some way too.

I was able to get a good reproduction of the problem on Zargabad with Post Processing Disabled. I have posted it over a Dev heaven : https://dev-heaven.net/issues/30017. If any one would care to try it out and give their thoughts and feedback, that would be great. Thanks

Here are some screen shots of the problem:



Here is the mission:


Here are the reproduction steps:

1). Load the attached mission "ZargaLightingBug"

2). Take note of the lighting/brightness of the sand/terrain and of the Horizon/ Blue Skyline in the distance.

3). Sprint through the 4 waypoints. (you MUST Sprint)

4). Notice that as you move from Waypoint 2 to waypoint 3 the lighting has become much, much brighter. The sand is almost white and blinding. The skyline is now much "hazier" and white than when the mission was started.

Edited by -=seany=-

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Hi seany.

I had similar results, but I've noticed this for awhile now (i.e. playing taki warfare). The brightness is extremely 'overdone' coming back from checkpoint 2 and stays like that for way too long. You'll see this in the vid I made.


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Very nice mate, thanks very much for that demo video Easy! I'll add that to the bug report.

Ty for the confirmation on Takistan too.

Did you find that it wouldn't happen if you just walked at normal pace?

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Np seany. I just tried it at the normal pace and it did brighten up on the way back from checkpoint 2, I'd say it was maybe half as bad compared to running.

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