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TKOH extended AddAction parameters

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I have been trying to mess around with new AddAction parameters within Take On Helicopters.

So far, I can't figure out how these work.

Looking into some vanilla files, I found:

_chopper addAction ["Title", "file.sqf", "", -1, true, true, "", "", "action_screen1", 3, 0.08, 1 + 2 + 4 + 16 + 64, 1 + 2, "<img image='HSim\UI_H\data\igui\ico_on_ca' size='2' shadow='true' />", "<br /><t size='0.8'>" + "Turn On" + "</t>"];

This actually works very well, placing the action on the main screen, although, I tried creating a new one and change it's position so it doesn't end up on top of the other but to no avail.

By doing some tweaks to the parameters, either I see no effect or the action does not show up at all.

Thanks in advance,


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