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ATree3d free 3ds max plants generator (great for low poly)

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A couple of weeks ago I stumbled across this script, I think someone might have posted something about it a while ago but I couldnt find any posts about it.

its really good, I've posted some info about making low poly trees on another forum here:


Just follow the youtube tutorials found on the website, its very simple to use.

At the moment theres no function for lod'ing (level of detail), but you can store different levels of detail of one tree to file.

If you want to use second UV channel lightmaps for 'tree' and 'treeAdv' you'll have to lod the tree manually though.


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cheers mike for sharing. There are numerous solutions for creating trees in max, but most of them are rather expensive and they don't really work right (note that most if not all of them are designed around archViz rather than game contecnt).

LODing the tree manually should be such a problem using pro-optimize +manual tweek or multires.

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yeah, i've tried quite a few tree generators and scripts but never really been happy with the results, you just have absolute control with this, its got some great artist editability, but you still have to put a bit of time into it to get good results, it sure beats modelling by hand though.

Multirez is good for trunks and branches but i find its not for the foliage. For the foliage i pick out from the UVs which planes I want to remove, particually the non structural ones used for filler, add an edit poly modifier, detach the selected polys from the model and then select by random and delete a percentage of them, that way i dont lose any of the planes used for the structure of the tree in the lower lods.


Here are some offline renders of some gum trees i made using the script;


close ups:

renderwidefinal02.th.jpg rendermidfinal02.th.jpg renderlargefinal02.th.jpg

you can download them here:


They're not game ready or anything and only have the first LOD, the file also includes the .max file with textures and the projection jig used to render to texture the high poly foliage, if you have the ATree3d script you can edit this foliage and change the type of tree.

Edited by mikebart

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