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reaper lok

Need help with OPFOR detection issue (not basic trigger)

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I am using a trigger to mark an area that will display a hint when BLUFOR are detected by OPFOR, I can use the timeout function to delay the possibility of an alarm being raised, however, I do not understand why when I kill an enemy soldier (with a suppressed weapon at some distance from another enemy), they become aware and change their state of alertness often kneeling or going prone....all without the 'hint' being displayed that the DETECTION trigger has been activated.

My question is:

How do I stop the other OPFOR becoming aware even though the trigger has not been activated. It feels like they have a 6th sense. Any help is appreciated, I did search but found nothing specific to this issue.

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I am using a trigger to mark an area that will display a hint when BLUFOR are detected by OPFOR, I can use the timeout function to delay the possibility of an alarm being raised, however, I do not understand why when I kill an enemy soldier (with a suppressed weapon at some distance from another enemy), they become aware and change their state of alertness often kneeling or going prone....all without the 'hint' being displayed that the DETECTION trigger has been activated.

My question is:

How do I stop the other OPFOR becoming aware even though the trigger has not been activated. It feels like they have a 6th sense. Any help is appreciated, I did search but found nothing specific to this issue.

Maybe I need someone who has intel on 'knowsAbout' ?

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also search on forums should yield alot of resuslts.

you cannot reverse the knowsabout value, but a possible workaround would be to have shooter setCaptive until enemy knowsabout him > some value like 1 or more, then un captive him, making him a valid target for enemy.

but the group reaction will most likey be the same.

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