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Helo randomly goes into autohover.

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As stated the helos will often go into a kind of autohover. It is not exactly the autohover because I have no forward/backward pitch control that autohover still has.

When I check the action menu up, autohover is NOT turned on. If I turn it on and then off it does not solve the problem.

If I close the mission this does not solve problem. Closing TOH usually solves the problem.

The problem occurs at start of mission or after respawn from a crash or if I have exited the helo.

I have calibrated the joystick, Logitech Extreme 3D Pro.

Edited by csb

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This is just a shot in the dark, but are you perhaps accidentally handing control over to the copilot?

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No, it happens when no other in the helo and I have use of all other controls.


Looks like I will have to try reinstall - seems no-one else has had this problem.

Edited by csb

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I reinstalled and the issue is resolved. Thanks.

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