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Condtion Check for 'plant charge'

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Hi Guys,

I would like to know if anyone has any ideas about how to condition check the placing of a satchel charge by a player? Is there some command for detecting when a player activates the plant satchel command from his action menu, or if a charge exists in a certain place? the former is would be more useful to me but if there is something for the latter i am happy enough.

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What exactly are you trying to do? There's a bunch of different ways to do the different things you've talked about from checking for fired eventhandlers, to checking for satchel objects nearby, to checking player animation state to putting a wrapper around actions. If you could say what you're trying to do we could come up with the best solution.

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player addeventhandler ["fired",{
	_player = _this select 0;
	_ammo = _this select 4;

	if (_ammo == "PipeBomb") then { hint "Satchel charge placed!" };

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Sorry about the lack of information, the event handler was part of what i was looking (thanks for that) for as i should be able to combine it with a trigger for a location check.

However i was needing information on how to check if there are stachel objects nearby as Kylania stated, as well as if there is anyway to 'check/verify' whether an action has been used. Any additional input would be great.

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player addeventhandler ["fired",{
	_player = _this select 0;
	_ammo = _this select 4;
	if (_ammo == "PipeBomb") then {
		_bomb = nearestobject [_player,"PipeBomb"];
		_bomb spawn {
			_bomb = _this;
                               if (_bomb distance something < 10) then {

                                            // do something

Why does it matter if an action was used to place the satchel? Do you mean as opposed to cycling to the satchel in your gear and clicking the mouse?

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Thanks for that. Should be able to do alot more now.

I was a bit over the place with the whole action thing, I think I should maybe search first or post a new thread if necessary. It was in part related to the satchel charge because I wondered just as (assumedly) BI intergrate actions such as the 'plant satchel charge' whether they, as well as normal actions (), could be detected.

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