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Infantry Strobes interfere with Vehicle HUD

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I have a script that turns on strobe lights for friendlies. It works just fine except that Vehicle Huds do not show armor in the area. When strobes are turned off the armor reappears in the vehicle's hud (for targeting, ie.).

Please help. Thanks

//	BOMSF Strobes
if (not isNull player) then

show_strobes = true;

// create the strobe lights on friendly units
_fCreatestrobes =
	private ["_position","_color","_size","_glowSize","_vel","_weight","_volume","_drag","_source1", "_source2"];

	sleep (random 0.5);
	_position = _this select 0;
	_color = [[1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,1]];
	_size = [1 * 3];
	_glowSize = [(1 * 3)/5];
	_vel = [0,0,0];
	_weight = 0;
	_volume = 0.005;
	_drag = 0.02;		
	drop ["\Ca\Data\kouleSvetlo","","Billboard",1,4,_position,_vel,0,_weight,_volume,_drag,_size,_color,[0,1],0,0,"","",""];
	drop ["\Ca\Data\halfLight","","SpaceObject",1,4,_position,_vel,0,_weight,_volume,_drag,_glowSize,_color,[0,1],0,0,"","",""];


//local variables
private ["_fCreatestrobes", "_soldiers", "_positionUnit", "_positionNew"];

sleep 1;

while {show_strobes} do
	sleep 0.01;

		_soldiers = allUnits;
			if (side _x == playerSide) then
				_positionUnit = getPos _x;
				_positionNew = [_positionUnit select 0,_positionUnit select 1,(_positionUnit select 2) + 0.5];
				[_positionNew] spawn _fCreatestrobes;
		} forEach _soldiers;
		sleep 1;

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I would say that's some kind of bug in the game engine itself.

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I would say that's some kind of bug in the game engine itself.

Could I get someone to confirm that it is in fact a bug? I certainly hope not. I have a series of coop maps waiting for this feature for their completion. I would appreciate any help that you might have.


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