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General Iljurin

Sound problems with santa cruz turtlebeach

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I just bought a new comp:

P4 2,2 GHz

GeForce 3 Ti200

764 Mhz RAM

Santa Cruz Turtle Beach soundcard

Earlier I played on an lower spec machine and on that one I had the SBLive 1024 soundcard and i had no troubles.

The problems I get with the new machine are that if I enable EAX Its "squelchy" and I get no surround sound...I might hear an chopper in my right ear even if the chopper is to my left and so on....

So I disable EAX but keep the hardware acceleration on...now it seems as if all "weak" sounds disappear and I can BARELY hear my own footsteps not to mention enemys (not talking about the footstep bug now).

I have the latest drivers for the soundcard...that is the first they suggest in their own troubleshoot, the next is to decrease the hardware accel but thenm I loose EAX support.

I chose this card over the Creative range but if no one of you techwizes can help me it seems as if I will have to change cards once again.

Also do anyone of you know wheater this is OFP related or a common gaming problem?

Would also be interrested in other Santa Cruz card owners that can play without any problem..

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When I used the Santa Cruz (Windows XP using 4161's), I had to turn both DX accel and EAX *OFF* in OFP due to the nasty bugs or erroneous sound anomolies it caused.

I have since switched to a CL Audigy using the 244 Compaq drivers. In 1.60 MP test, sound works perfectly with both DX Accel and EAX on. I'm most pleased.

I'm afraid your options are:

1. Keep SCruz and turn all acceleration off in OFP

2. Get another sound card.


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General Iljurin, have you tried new unofficial (Beta) drivers for your card? You can find them at 3D Sound Surge.

The Santa Cruz cards have a very good reputation, and I'm surprised you are having these problems. Are you sure the speakers are properly connected and configured? I've had problems (with other cards, mind you) when the wrong type of speaker was selected (amplified vs. non-amplified speakers, headphones), or when the sound mixer for the card had the inputs and outputs configured incorrectly.

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Thx for answering Mr Frag.

Yes Im positive that its configured correctly, I use headphones on this comp and I have checked the settings on numerous times as well as trying different setups.

So to answer your question, the problem is not that I havent the proper headphone setup and the problem have been the same with the different setups I have tried (headphones to both front and rear speakers as well as trying the versajack).

I know that santa Cruz have a good reputation and that is why I chosed them, so it would be a pity to have to buy another soundcard just cause this wouldnt work properly.

I will try the BETA drivers and respond here with the outcome.

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Im sorry to say that the Soundsurge links to the same drivers as Im currently using, betadrivers only awailable for win98se I run winxp.

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I have cruz and I went back to the 4142 drivers. I was having crackle/pop when driving a truck with the 4162's.

I have not been able to do the EAX. When I enabled it I could here EVERYTHING 2 klics away.

I had concidered going back to a SBlive.

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