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COIN missions trouble

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Hello everybody.

I like to make COIN missions on Afghan based maps. And want to take a bit further, and how can I do this.

-I would like to know if and what the best way to make "real" insurgent behavior? What do you use to bring out the bet in the AI, Scripts ideas and so on.

-I like to place enginers, on mission so they are the only ones who can detect IED's, I would like to build more onto this aswell. Is it possible to use the ACE mine detector in some form like IRL? And for those of you who dont know what I mean. Sounds to it like IRL when used as "Primary"?

I am also trying to find a sound when it has a "hit" on a IED like IRL.

But my skills do not reach this far as to the making of all this. So far it has been an IED with a 2x2/3x3 trigger then another trigger 5x5 that shows a text of IED having a "hit".

Hope there are some ppl in here there can help me along my way

Thank you in advance :)

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insurgent addEventHandler["fired",{_this dropWeapon primaryWeapon _this; [_this, "coward", 600] call fn_hide; pickUpWeapon; _this call fn_shootDudesAgain;}];

2. No need to reinvent the wheel. Try out Reezo's EOD Mod.

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Cheers mate... Gave it a run and it looks very good.

Still some things about it I dont really can figure out hehe

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Yup it's pretty complex. Maybe post what you have and an idea of what you're trying to do and maybe we can get it working?

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Hello everyone.

Sorry i didnt specify but kylania is right... COIN meaning the real life :D (Im in the system :) )

These are some of the problems i have asked in the actual thread by Reezo

Hello reezo.

Great mod! kylania gave me a hint a few hours ago and i am enjoying it.

I do however have a question about the diversity and such about the mod.

When placing a IED say a IED area and giving it all the variables. i only seem to get one kind, that only works against cars.

I maybe reading it ALL wrong, but how to get all this with triggermen, radio controlled and so on? I might be missing something but i just cant see what

Also. When placing a Suicide Area nothing ever happens... Never! same variables as i put in IED area.

And last but not least, how does the mine detector work?

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