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Help Please? :/

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I need someone to help me modle some police cars banks hospital and so on for my new rpg im making and i need someone to help me make them.

I cant madel myself and my other friends cant if you help me i prommis you admin ship on my server any almost anything else you need contact me below.

Xfire: opid

E-mail: deathfunction@gmail.com

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Your chances of getting an answer will skyrocket if you post requests like these in the Addon Request Thread. Also I would be wary of putting your email up on the forums like this. It's spambot fodder.

At any rate, we would appreciate it if you searched before posting new threads, and made sure you were posting in the correct forum. Thank you.

§7) Search before posting

If you have a question, please use the forum search function before posting to make sure that it hasn't been answered before. There is a big chance it has, not only does searching help to keep the forum free of multiple threads it will also help you to get an answer much quicker.

§8) Post in the right forum

Please ensure you make new threads in the correct forum, if you're unsure of which forum to post in feel free to ask a moderator.


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