guziczek101 11 Posted February 20, 2012 Hi there i was boring in home and I tried to write a script of suicide bomber (in all, this is patchwork of several ideas of other people, This may be useful for someone) HOW TO USE: [bomberman,Player,10,True,True,"SKODARED"] exec "Suicide.sqs" [bomberName,TargetName,Distance,RemoveWeapons,Auto,Car] exec "Suicide.sqs" BomberName = Bomberman TargetName = hmm.. Distance = distance between bomber and the target before he goes boom.. (For cars optimal distance is 10) RemoveWeapons = Bomber have weapons? True or False Auto = Bomber start in car? True or False Car = Car model (must be in "") that will be spawned if you want a VBIED Suicide.sqs Reveal hidden contents ; ***************************************************** ; ** Suicide.sqs written by some other guys but i have mixed them a little upgrade ; ***************************************************** ; HOW TO USE: ; [bomberman,Player,10,True,True,"SKODARED"] exec "Suicide.sqs" ; [bomberName,TargetName,Distance,RemoveWeapons,Auto,Car] exec "Suicide.sqs" ; BomberName = Bomberman ; TargetName = hmm.. ; Distance = distance between bomber and the target before he goes boom.. (For cars optimal distance is 10) ; RemoveWeapons = Bomber have weapons? True or False ; Auto = Bomber start in car? True or False ; Car = Car model (must be in "") that will be spawned if you want a VBIED _Bomber = _this select 0 _Target = _this select 1 _Dis = _this select 2 _remove = _this select 3 _InAuto = _this select 4 _Car = _this select 5 _Bx = (GetPos _Bomber Select 0) _By = (GetPos _Bomber Select 1) _Bz = (GetPos _Bomber Select 2) ?(_remove): removeallweapons _Bomber ?(_InAuto):Auto = _Car createVehicle [_Bx,_By,_Bz] ?(_InAuto):_Bomber moveindriver Auto ?(_InAuto):Auto setdir (getDir _Bomber) @ ((_Bomber KnowsAbout _Target) > 1) || (! (Alive _Bomber)) ? (! (Alive _Bomber)) : goto "Boom" _Bomber SetUnitPos "Up" _Bomber SetSpeedMode "Full" _Bomber SetCombatMode "Red" _Bomber SetBehaviour "Careless" _Speak = False #Loop _Bomber DoMove GetPos _Target ? ((_Bomber Distance _Target) < (_Dis + 5)) && (! _Speak) : _Bomber Say "Rus20"; _Speak = True ? ((_Bomber Distance _Target) < _Dis) || (! (Alive _Bomber)) && (Random 3 > 2) : GoTo "Boom" ? (! (Alive _Bomber)) : goto "Boom" ~ (1 + Random 1.5) GoTo "Loop" #Boom _Ammo = ["Shell105","Heat105","Shell120","Heat120"] _Rnd = Random ((Count _Ammo) - 0.001) _Bomb = _Ammo Select (_Rnd - (_Rnd Mod 1)) _Bomb CamCreate GetPos _Bomber deletevehicle _Bomber Exit Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
circassian 1 Posted April 11, 2013 Thanx man, pretty cool, but its bad that it's not activated unless the target is in front of the bomberman directly. I mean if the target was a little to west or east he cant see it and not activate. hope some one can upgrade it to a onmapsingleclick it will be great Share this post Link to post Share on other sites