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avibird 1

Can't found BAF or PMC weapon/ammo crates correct class names anywhere help please!

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Hi does anyone have the the correct class names for the BAF and PMC weapon/ammo crates! I have all the individual items within the crates but not the crates class names. A friend is working on a new script that will allow a player to recruit any unit and most items/objects within the game world in real time. I can't found the class names anywhere any help would be appreciated:bounce3: Avibird.

Lol I guess I did not look hard enough at first. I just found it under wolle Sticky: ArmA II & OA Classnames - No questions, no discussion here! thread Page 2. You need to scroll to the bottom of the BAF stuff. Avibird.

Edited by AVIBIRD 1
found the infor online!

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My bad lol It's all there.

Edited by AVIBIRD 1

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