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Updated to 7970 Graphics card and now TOH locks in main menu??

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Hi guys,

I upgraded to a 7970 ATI card and it's one heck of a beast however TOH crashes at the menu after a few mouse clicks. I have tried reinstalling TOH and applying the patch and it has no effect.

I know it's not the card because Dirt 3, FSX & Xplane Run Incredibly well! I have tried reinstalling drivers etc.. Any advice is greatly appreciated!

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It is the responsibility of GPU manufacturers for their cards/drivers to work with games. Maybe you should try contacting them? (AMD Support) I'm not sure if Bohemia Interactive can do anything in this case.

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  Nicholas said:
It is the responsibility of GPU manufacturers for their cards/drivers to work with games. Maybe you should try contacting them? (AMD Support) I'm not sure if Bohemia Interactive can do anything in this case.

Emailed AMD support and we will see what they come up with. Been through this issue before and the video card manufactures always point the finger back at the developer. The reality is

the card is working incredible with other games. I've also tried Battlefield etc.. and I have huge frame rates at 65-100fps+ in first person shooters that I used just for testing.

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