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AI Shooting range

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I'd really like a script that makes several AI shoot targets, sort of as an ambient thing. it builds atmosphere for a training camp.

if there is one already plz point me in the right direction.

I've tried for ages to make them use dowatch and dofire, but they refuse to shoot an empty object :(


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There are quite a few invisible targets in this addon. I just did a little test and the AI shoot at them just fine.


EDIT: Thinking about it.... it might be hard to control the little buggers because as far as they are concerned the targets are 100 percent enemy!

EDIT2: Actually there's a lot of stuff you can do. Raising and lowering the targets above and below ground level...or maybe using enablesimulation on the targets. Disabling certain AI functions with disableAI would be the first thing to try I think.

Edited by twirly

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