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Unload-waypoint does not work for script-created vehicles/groups

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The unload-waypoint for vehicles and soldiers created by script does not work.


* createVehicle "vehicle with cargo space"

* createUnit driver/gunner etc. and moveindriver vehicle etc.

* createUnit soldiers and group them with each other (but not with the driver/gunner) and moveincargo & assignascargo vehicle

* (group driver vehicle) addwaypoint 1

* (group driver vehicle) addwaypoint 2

* [(group driver vehicle),1] setWaypointType "UNLOAD";

* [(group driver vehicle),2] setWaypointType "MOVE";


The vehicle moves to the first waypoint but does NOT unload the cargo-group, but moves on to the following waypoint after having reached wp 1.

Setting wp 1 to "getout", works - it makes the driver disembark.

Adding the waypoints by script to units that have been placed in the editor, works. But it does not work for script-created ones.

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I posted some working code to your thread in the Scripting section. I think the things you are missing were assigning the group as cargo and instructing the group to actually get out.

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