fbs 1 Posted January 27, 2012 Hi, I've got a problem with the controller pulling to the right, no matter if i use joystick or 360controller. And i keep deactivating any fixed tilt setting etc. but it keeps pulling till i crash. when i have the joystick all the way to the left i can aaaaallmost keep the chopper upright. help! (no, it is calibrated) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fbs 1 Posted January 28, 2012 help any1? am i the first to have this problem? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hon0 10 Posted January 28, 2012 Hmm.. I think it's a normal helicopter behavior.. Does it appears when you gain speed? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zentaos 10 Posted January 30, 2012 no it's not normal helicopter behavior. I had a problem similar to this, then i noticed during calibration that my throttle (collective) axis was interfering with my x axis. so i bought an $18 logitech atk3 and problem solved. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freqeuntvirtualflyer 1 Posted February 24, 2012 fbs said: Hi, I've got a problem with the controller pulling to the right, no matter if i use joystick or 360controller. And i keep deactivating any fixed tilt setting etc. but it keeps pulling till i crash.when i have the joystick all the way to the left i can aaaaallmost keep the chopper upright. help! (no, it is calibrated) Hello first time poster long time...... listener? Any way the problem stems form when you turn off the auto trim for some reason the trim settings are skewed all the way to the right by default and so in order to get flying straight again press "right CTRL + NUM 4" for cyclic trim right and opposite for when she's pulling left, this is in the controls in the menu. The question is when you in a real helicopter is trim set according to the last position of the cyclic or applied to the control surfaces independently as when i do select a trim position the stick is centered but shes turning. In real heli's, trim is on the stick and applied by some sort of magnet setup, so in flight when i enable manual trim it should default to my cyclic position and not like an planes trim be set to what ever. Either way there should be a patch because the default position is center. Oh and why no warning lights or warning sounds when your breaking the helicopter by reckless flying (which i enjoy) in expert mode. BEst helisim I have ever played. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrwohoo 1 Posted March 3, 2012 Quote: hon0 Hmm.. I think it's a normal helicopter behavior.. Does it appears when you gain speed? ___________________________________________________________________________| No no no, the gravitypoint of each and every helicopter is directly below the main rotorblades, and should not exessivly go to the right or left. If you are in a steady hover, you may take your hand off the cyclic just a tad, to see if its perfectly centered. Quote: freqeuntvirtualflyer Hello first time poster long time...... listener? Any way the problem stems form when you turn off the auto trim for some reason the trim settings are skewed all the way to the right by default and so in order to get flying straight again press "right CTRL + NUM 4" for cyclic trim right and opposite for when she's pulling left, this is in the controls in the menu. The question is when you in a real helicopter is trim set according to the last position of the cyclic or applied to the control surfaces independently as when i do select a trim position the stick is centered but shes turning. In real heli's, trim is on the stick and applied by some sort of magnet setup, so in flight when i enable manual trim it should default to my cyclic position and not like an planes trim be set to what ever. Either way there should be a patch because the default position is center. Oh and why no warning lights or warning sounds when your breaking the helicopter by reckless flying (which i enjoy) in expert mode. BEst helisim I have ever played. ______________________________________________________________________________| Isnt there a trim reset button ? Anywho thanks for your reply, it was really great :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Blackstorm 1 Posted March 21, 2012 I have exactly the same problem, but the trim adjustment just didn't work for me :confused:. I'm using a Saitek X52 controller but, even after unplugging it and re-starting the mission, playing with mouse and keys the problem happens again :butbut: (I'm trying to play the mission in which Haydon is inspecting golf courses). After I make some "braking" maneuver (collective to minimun, cyclic back to flare and lose speed but not height) the helo starts pulling to the right, even with auto-hover on (in fact, the auto-hover tries to compensate banking to the left, but just can't). Trimming to the left (CTRL+NUM4) does not work at all (only increases the left bank, but the chopper keeps sliding to the right). I have stress damage disabled. This happens since I installed patch 1.04. I'm stuck, and I can't continue with the game, as it's impossible to land :mad:. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted March 19, 2013 same problem here, happens out of nowhere, i find myself unable to fly any heli in the game Share this post Link to post Share on other sites