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Wrp editor problem

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I've using Terragen then Wilbour then WRP editor.

When I import the island edited in Wilbour, the island does'nt create!

But a small warning pop's up:

Data Successfully readed, but there are still data in the file. Do you wan't to continue?

The options are: Yes/no

I press yes:

too many level's need to be drawn. It's may system Hang-On, "Show Levels" options turned off for prevent it.

Can't find "Show Levels" in Options, well, I don't even find options.

Is there any thing I can do to make this work?

Plz answer if you have a similar warning and fixed it...

I'm a complete newbie (n00b) in that program, just was following the guide in [CiA] homepage!


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