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G36 sight ranges, range finder, aimpoint

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This is what it should be:


Optical sight reticle pattern, G36

1 Point of aim at 200 meters range

2 Lead mark for firing at targets moving from left to right at a speed of approx. 8 km/h at a range of 200 meters

3 Circular reticule (Interior diameter 1.75 m man size at 400 m range)

4 Lead mark for firing at targets moving from right to left at a speed of approx. 8 km/h at a range of 200 meters

5 Horizontal line to determine whether the weapon is canted from the horizon

6 Point of aim for firing at approx. 400 meter range

7 Point of aim for firing at approx. 600 meter range

8 Point of aim for firing at approx. 800 meter range

9 Person size of 1.75 meters at range X (800m, 600m, 400m, 200m)

First the range finder:

200 meters


400 meters


600 meters


800 meters


As you can see, the range finder gets progressively imprecise as we expand the range.

Here are my early findings on bullet hits:


You can see that all of the aiming marks but for the one at 600m are wrong.

Finally, the aimpoint sight does not work at all?

Can we hope to have a fix in a future patch? Fixing the optics at least should be trivial and it is my understanding that the aimpoint actually exists but is disabled because it is bugged. It seems the main sight is bugged as well?

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Is it this aimpoint you're talking about?

(Use the "Optics Mode" key to switch to and from it)

the point in here is that you do not see the rail through the kollimator sight in the real one, and OP is right, kollimator is missing in G36, the black ones from ArmA II it was removed in a patch.

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Actually, the red dot aimpoint is present but it is not mapped as ie. the optics on the M2 on the Hummer.

You can find the keybinding for it under All Controls -> Optics not under the Infantry setting.

But frankly I am more interested in the other issues :)

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It would be great if the optics could be corrected in the next patch. Now understanding the scope means the G36 should be a really useful tool.

Firing using the ingame crosshairs is badly off at the moment (shots go way off to the right and down) this should definitely be corrected.

Perhaps breaking down some of the issues might be a way forward:

For the simple crosshair issue I've made this bug issue Bug #28030 G36 ingame crosshairs not accurate

Edited by totalboffin

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