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Flare Detection for Triggers

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I'm working on an asymetrical PvP mission where a group of defenders is attacked by a one/two man sabateur team. In order to mix things up and add some tension to the mission I want the sabateurs to be able to call in a guerilla attack on the defenders (Available X% of the time). The problem i've encountered is how to signal the attack.

What I've considered

  1. Radio option to signal attack: This option would be available for both sides, removing radios from the defenders did not remedy this and all of the threads here indicated that this can't really be circumvented. (If someone can prove me wrong this would be a very simple solution and i would appreciate it)
  2. Static radio: I wanted the sabateurs to have the liberty to call in the attack at their leisure.
  3. Action menu option: I don't really want to clutter the action menu but i suppose this could be done of all other options fail.
  4. Trigger detecting a Flare: My option of choice, potentially allows the defenders warning of attack and is realistic.

I remember Rocket released a mission called Island Twilight where a smoke grenade would signal an ammo drop from a C-130, which leads me to believe the same effect can be achieved with a flare. Although i have no idea how he achieved this.


My Attempt:

Trigger covering the area for flare detection

in the conditions box:

(({_x in (list this)} count 	F_40mm_White)  > 0)

Furthermore, is there a way to make the trigger detect an array of smoke shells rather than just one type?

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