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Editor video tutorals section?

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Hi guys, as a noob i was wandering if anyone still made "how to" vids for arma 2 & AO anymore? Ive seen the ones on youtube but i still have a few things i'd like to learn. I was wandering if some kind souls from here would be able to make some short how to vids based on requests? I learn better from watching it step by step you see & so struggle with a lot of the written how to's. Can / would anybody help? Maybe we could have a pinned video tutorial section?

I forgot to mention that the vids i need concern the editor. I think it would be very helpful to have a video tutoral suggestion folks.

Many thanks in advance


Sorry folks but i just saw the section "Frequently Asked Questions/Requests ". Please try not to be mad but should i have posted it in there?

Edited by Pipyn
A littkw bit confused!!!

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best way to learn is

1. find a script semi close to what you want to do and look at how it is done

2. tear is apart and find out why it works

3. attempt to use what you have learned in your missions..when you have problems post the question here

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