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red oct

Any one interested in a ak-47? reeeal cheap!

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do a search on the AK and you will find countless sellers auctioning these for a usuall estimate of $298.50 to $500.00

thats waaay cheaper than what my dad payed for that Sig Sauger of his. they are in working order but they are strickly single shots only (though you could find parts to convert them to full auto) right here is a site whare you can get a Romanian AK for $350.00 and comes w/ one 30 round mag and one 40 round mag. if you wana see the whole listings of this site go here.

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guns are way to cheap and way to easy to get in america. some sick guy could easily buy that gun and some body armor. and pull off what those two bank robbers did in los angelos.

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yea i remember that, the police only had their 9mm's. while waiting for the swat those robbers started using the news choppers as target practice they were finally stoped when they were shot in their heads. that was the only part of their bodies that weren't protected. but the good news is that that sort of thing hasnt been happing for a while.

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"though you could find parts to convert them to full auto"

Don't say that. If the BATF or FBI reads this thread, they're going to do an investigation on you.

They've done it before.

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heres the link to the article on CNN-http://www.cnn.com/US/9702/28/shootout.update/

and heres the news coverage-http://www.cnn.com/US/9702/28/shootout.update/ba.shootout.43.mov its 1.7mb/43 sec

im not sure how long the whole thing took, but ive seen the whole thing on one of those tv shows that shows police chases and bank robberies. They had AK47s and they were shooting through cars, and hitting officers. The police saw an armormed bank truck nearby and used it to go in and get the wounded. One of the bank robbers was hit in the leg several times, by bullets that got by the armor, and then he killed himself. the other bank robber was sorrounded by police and shortly after he died of wounds. His family is suing the LAPD because they claim that they purposly didnt give him immediate medical attention.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (timmy @ June 10 2002,03:12)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">guns are way to cheap and way to easy to get in america. some sick guy could easily buy that gun and some body armor. and pull off what those two bank robbers did in los angelos.<span id='postcolor'>

Hey, we didnt make em. Blame Mother Russia

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (FetishFool @ June 10 2002,03:25)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">"though you could find parts to convert them to full auto"

Don't say that.  If the BATF or FBI reads this thread, they're going to do an investigation on you.

They've done it before.<span id='postcolor'>

no they wont cause its leagal, if it wasnt than gun mags wouldnt have ads in theire mags/sites for the parts. i dont know how it is leagal i will have to ask a few friends of mine on how its legal, or ask a gun dealer.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Tex [uSMC] @ June 10 2002,03:34)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (timmy @ June 10 2002,03:12)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">guns are way to cheap and way to easy to get in america. some sick guy could easily buy that gun and some body armor. and pull off what those two bank robbers did in los angelos.<span id='postcolor'>

Hey, we didnt make em. Blame Mother Russia<span id='postcolor'>

hey im not complaining, i wouldnt mind owning a ak-47 at that price, you can even purchase the parts to convert a AK-47 to a AK-74. dont know what the difference is but its gota be better than the old model in some way.

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That's why they would investigate.

If you say "I know a place to get parts for a full auto AK", then the BATF will need to investigate and make sure that you're not converting the guns illegally.

There's a reason why so many assault rifles are kept in semi-auto only. It's laws.

Converting rifles to full auto is a major crime unless you have a permit.

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And spreading information on how to convert rifles is illegal too.

You can be put in prison for saying "Remember to release the (part) before reslinging the (part)".

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ok would it be better if i mentioned that the site/mag that ive seen has ads for the parts for sale?

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No, it's the BATF's job to investigate everything.

If you know how to get the parts for full auto, what's stopping you from doing it yourself? Nothing.

Just remember that a large part of the FBI and BATF's revenue is from fines.

So they're more than happy to slap a $3000 fine on you.

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but i still dont get it. if its illeagal, than why are the ads there?

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im not complaing either, id love to have one. its just that i think they should do more background checks on people.

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Okay, I know I sound over-concerned.

But let me point out my skepticism.

You post at a forum that's mostly populated by guys too young to buy a rifle in the US.

Most of them have no idea about gun laws and FFLs.. And especially have no clue about prices.

So you could easily sell stolen rifles at high prices to some kids that will pay anything and ask no questions.

You also tell them that they can convert the SAR(Semi-auto Rifle) to full auto with a few extra parts.

Very suspicious.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (FetishFool @ June 10 2002,04:01)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Okay, I know I sound over-concerned.

But let me point out my skepticism.

You post at a forum that's mostly populated by guys too young to buy a rifle in the US.

Most of them have no idea about gun laws and FFLs..  And especially have no clue about prices.

So you could easily sell stolen rifles at high prices to some kids that will pay anything and ask no questions.

You also tell them that they can convert the SAR(Semi-auto Rifle) to full auto with a few extra parts.

Very suspicious.<span id='postcolor'>

well ok i understand that, but the parts i was talking about are being sold by a licenced gun dealer(s). and they dont sell anything to people under age or any one w/ a ugly history of felonie(s) or misdameener(s)

so that scratches one worry off you list timmy

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It's good to know that you're not doing anything illegal.

But the BATF will still love to haul you in for any reason they find.

You know. While they're monitoring your internet activity, they might find you copying pictures without asking the owners. Which is a hefty $500 fine in most states.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (FetishFool @ June 10 2002,04:15)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">lol

It's good to know that you're not doing anything illegal.

But the BATF will still love to haul you in for any reason they find.

You know.  While they're monitoring your internet activity, they might find you copying pictures without asking the owners.  Which is a hefty $500 fine in most states.<span id='postcolor'>

Talk about fear of big brother wink.gif They can't find the guy who stole my license plate let alone have time to regulate a simple firing pin kit. Fact is ANY firearm can be made full auto. I've seen people go hunting with a fully automatic . 22 caliber rifle. As for AK's you can even buy from the Kalashnikov factory. Nothing says home security like having an AK-101 in bed with you at night. In the words of the great Moe from the Simpsons. "The next place he robs better have a ramp" biggrin.gif

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in major cities About 1 in 5 cop cars has an AR-15 now, with both ball and AP ammo, as a result of that bank assault..

as for buying a ak-74.. why bother, get an SKS for $150.. same damn thing (just as accurate with a good barrel and new guts) only different is the ammo.

or for $500 get an ar-15, then you have some real accuracy to boot and it looks better (I think)

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lol, Indychuck

There's a huge difference between the BATF (or FBI) and the local police.

The reason why the police suck so much is because all their best officers are being hired by the BATF or the FBI.

I wouldn't pay jack shit for an AR-15 when I can get an AK.

If all you plan to do is shoot paper and ducks, then the ARs are probably best.

But for sheer fun and survival, the AK is where it's at.

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I prefer accuracy to "fun" hitting what you aim at is fun, and my AR has NEVER EVER had any problems, unless your too stupid to know basic weapon care (dont submerge in sandy mud and work the action over and over) then reliability will never be an issue with either weapon

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Red Oct @ June 10 2002,03:40)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">you can even purchase the parts to convert a AK-47 to a AK-74. dont know what the difference is but its gota be better than the old model in some way.<span id='postcolor'>

That would be a bit hard since the 74 uses a smaller caliber bullet. The improvement is better accuracy and a lighter weapon when fully loaded, also i've heard longer range. The disadvantage is obviously a smaller hole in anything it hits. Most of the new Kalashnikov rifle models are available in three different calibers. The old 7.62, the new standard Russian caliber, and standard Nato.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I prefer accuracy to "fun" hitting what you aim at is fun, and my AR has NEVER EVER had any problems<span id='postcolor'>

Geez Wobble, you gotta rifle too ? But with all your complaints, and hatred, the yelling and the screaming, you're an inferno waiting to explode.

I sure would hate to be that <cough><scratch><sarcasm> wetback* </sarcasm> when you snap. biggrin.gif

*no offense meant, term "wetback" was used in a peaceful manner not singling out anyone. this message will self destruct in 5 seconds.

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let me just add some points here

1. in US, gun laws are different from state to state. california is the toughest one..no semi-auto rifles(?).

2.in N.Hollywood shootout, first suspect shot himself. second one died of injury in gunbattle. the families sued LAPD for negligence, but it turns out one of the mom was recieving social security check for someone she didn't care after, so she dropped the suit in exchange for avoiding prosecution.(thanks to Mister Frag on this one)

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Interesting piece of trivia...

That Bank of America shoot out was the inspiration for the movie 'Heat' with Al Pacino and Robert DeNiro

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