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Ofp need a star wars mod/tc

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well if i had the time to develop one i would but i gave up on mod making years ago when life bhecame complex tounge.gif anyways a Star wars mod with things liek AT ATs and ATSTs and snow speeders and shit would rock, star wars for OFp woul;d be man's greatest invention ^_^i see one on the mod page but see no prgress or even a page from it and its been there for a while

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and how do you want to make endless space??


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notice i said AT AT snow speeder and AT ST., i mean ground combat, star wars doesan;t all take place in space, thier is ground combat, like in episode I, II, V, VI and a lil even in IV

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*sigh* expand where you look, there is a mod being developed http://bojler.olomouc.com/cgi-bin....3;t=108


yet, can you picture an AT-AT on a small island with like... hills no matter where you go? even evoran is extremely hilly so maybe an AT-ST at the biggest but an AT-AT would seem a little unrealistic for such small islands confused.gif

gah! someone make a island thats just snow and some hills (make the water snow also) tounge.gif

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well thats why new islands would have to be made

EDIT: oh and thx for the headz up BTW

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I think i saw picture from a mod about starwars but i don't know the team......... i'm waiting for oxy and have my agreement complete..... if anyone is interest about the construct of this mod contact me....

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Vixer @ June 09 2002,17:58)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">and how do you want to make endless space??

worlds?<span id='postcolor'>

ya know, the thing at the top of the map? the bit above the clouds? that could be used, like if you made a map that was permanently at night time so you had stars around and stuff and set all the units starting hieght to like 2000000000 or something yeah it could work

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oooo, im gonna make a cloud city! biggrin.gif

go empire! ill try making cloud city like 1600 feet up tounge.gif

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eerr, its in construction, as a jedi knight would say to his learner, patience young padawan

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my god...the clipping issues...cloud city...many many soldiers falling through the walls to their deaths

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well, dont worry it was unsuccecful, but after that i did a little sky diving ^_^

well, i got it in the air, only one problem... the concrete kept flickering off so it was laggy

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